Saturday, October 27, 2018

The Smoke from deadly Cigarette

Smoking cigarette deadly effects 

deadly smoke coming from cigarette

Our own Earth has suffering in its different kind of pollution around in each every country. Smoking is one of the common problem in every country and obviously the causes of early or young death of million people (smoker) world wide yearly. 

Three Kinds of Smoking

First kind is the selfish smoker itself without minding the people around the perimeter and inhaling who surrounding this perimeter, they keep on on continuing this bad habitual process. Smoker are those people who is directly using tobacco products. 

The process of sipping and exhaling cigarette smoke develop the deadliest cancerous cells directly damaging our whole body mostly the lungs.

Second kind is the "second hand" or the victim of first hand smoker, adequately it refers to the small or in mass exposure of non smoker to tobacco products user. There is a higher prevalence rate of affecting the lungs with respiratory diseases when we inhale the smoke from this kind of burning cigarettes.
Newborn Babies and children living with family members or around their neighborhoods who smoke are at risk of having and developing respiratory illness and air allergies such as runny nose, wheezing, congested nose, chronic cough, phlegm, pneumonia, bronchitis and even asthma.

Third kind is the "Third Hand Smoker". In this case acrolein makes a big part. Acrolein is a deadly substance produce from tobacco which can stick to the wall, clothes and even anything where the cigarette smoker present in a surroundings before even if the smoker is not around, the people or the victim non smoker will inhale this substance then getting in their body and destroying the cells.

In simple explanation when the smoker came from a smoking area/room and the non smoker enter this area  or surrounding the non smoker will inhale and will absorb this substance which sticks to the wall they are the people who is they called the third hand smoker

As we look further, smoking for others is one of a habitual vises that they are having a hard time to avoid or to quit  on. But wisely saying if we will do our best to control this and your countries government will focus on preventing the illegal exports of tobacco products, smoking in out society will decrease  at least. This would have a clean air to breath in and people around will be safe from having respiratory illness or even to lessen the amount of the lung cancer victim world wide. As per, 33% of cancer cases linked to exposure to tobacco smoke around the globe in the year of 2012. 

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