Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Coconut Tree Information

coconut oil

Coconut Tree uses and benefits

Coconut palm is a well known tree world wide and they also call it the Tree of Life. It has so many uses, starting from it's own leaves down to the roots, in so many different ways. People around the globe uses its stem and leaves to make different furniture, crops like shelter and a shelter. We can make a healthy dessert from its young coconut fruits, a vegetable recipe from the heart of its bud, and even a delicious dish using its coconut cream and many other useful things.

Drinking coconut water/juice can also cure "Urinary Tract Infection". We call this a tree of life because it provides lot of  beneficial in our body.

More than all of its uses, coconut tree is one of the main source of oil in the word. The oil extracted from its meat is very pure and naturally organic. Listed below are some benefits and uses of coconut oil. 

Benefits of Coconut Oil

1. It strengthen the immune system.

2. Regulates blood sugar.

3. Prevent type II diabetes. 

4. Prevent heart attack.

5. It helps fight minimal infection because it also has antibacterial content.

6. Can help speed up metabolism for was weight loss (take 1 table spoon of coconut oil every night before sleep). 

Uses of Coconut Oil

1. It helps relieve itching from insect bites effectively.

2. Protect skin from UV rays or direct light from the Sun.

3. It can heal sun burn.

4. It reduces wrinkles effectively and prevent mature aging

5. A fabulous make up remover.

6. Heals diaper rashes or any kind of external wounds.

7. Can be use as massage oil.

8. Can deeply moisturize our skin.

9. Can be use as hair mask, it can nourish our hair leaving it smooth and dandruff free after application.

10. It cures sore throat / dry throat.

11. Replacement for butter when baking and cooking.

12. Can be use when you need to shave.

13. Lighten scars and stretch marks effectively.

14. Can be use in "Oil Pulling". 

15. Use this as a hair serum.

Coconut Oil "Oil Pulling"

A process of swishing 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth between 5 to 20 minutes (you can add 2 drops of essential oil). Best time to do the Oil Pulling procedure is in the morning. Oil Pulling also strengthen the teeth, lungs, liver, stomach, heart and reproductive organs.


Oil Pulling Benefits

1. It can whiten the teeth.

2. It kills bad breath definitely.

3. It prevents plaque and cavities.

4. Heals bleeding gums.

5. It can cure tooth decay.

6. Reduces inflammation of gums.

7. Pulls out bacteria, toxins from our mouth.

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