Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Healthy ways on taking care Internal Organs

Healthy Internal Organs  

There is so many ways on taking care of you're internal and external organs the part of
our body which is functional and delicate when destroyed, most of the cases why this

organs destroying because on what we intake and what we eat on our daily diet routine,
considering different kind of vises like smoking and frequently drinking of alcoholic drinks

has a large part on having a bad and unhealthy internal and external organs.

As the owner of our own body we are responsible on taking care of it, there are saying that
"we are what we eat" and this is definitely true and correct, all things or solid and liquid 

foods that we chew on or put inside our mouth was been absorbed inside our body system
once we swallow it. I have some list below on how and what kind of foods that we need to 


Healthy Body


To posses an healthy functional brain please have an 8 hours of continuous sleep.


To have a healthy heart please avoid eating excess salt.


To avoid  lung cancer  please stop/quite smoking.


To avoid different kind of liver diseases please stop eating excess fatty food which mostly

served on fast foods.  


To have an healthy stomach please avoid frequent eating of cold foods.


Have an two healthy working kidneys always eat vegetables and forget eating junk 



To avoid urinary tract diseases please use fresh onion regularly.


Having an healthy working appendix always consider lemon juice more often.


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