Thursday, October 11, 2018

Easy way to earn money online

How to earn money online? Google Adsense!

The words on the upper part of this paragraph is the most popular question that I read many times online until now "how to earn money online"? I will show you the process base on my experience however first thing first a simple introduction of my self before discussing the step by step process on how I will earn money online, because I would like to build a rapport first to gain your trust but don't you worry I'm not selling you guys anything, just want to share my idea, research and effort on finding solution on this popular question How to earn money online?.

Literally I will introduce my self to you reader, My name is Lester, 29 years old this year 2018, I graduated computer science course long time ago and I forget anything about what I study maybe, know only basic English or maybe not, I will only confirm my English when this post hit to the internet or Mr. Google crawled this page, currently working as material controller here in Philippines for almost more than a year now and since I start working, my earnings is in basic rate only not enough to pay all my bills, secure my life in the future or maybe buy own basic needs. The reason why I also ask this word also to my self "How could I possibly earn money online?.

Many of individual now including me always ask that question also. After a long time spending time online or in the internet I come up with this easy, low cost, sweat less solution because basically, all you have to do is to read, think and write no any single cent needed besides from providing your own device like computer and smartphones then of course internet connection. The only solution in this, how to earn money online question is your 100% effort yes you read it right!, now your reading,  thinking the next I assume you also do the writing after that your effort will cost and earn lot of money just in that process.

To cut the story short, I suggest you to create your own blog / blog site or blog page. What is blog page or blog site?. A blog page o blog site in my own impression is like online journal or diary wherein many people can follow, view your post when you published your page online. You will earn money when you register and be approved your web page by Google Adsense. Adsense will set up and place an advertisement then when someone accidentally click this ads from your website, owner will be paid by Google
Blogging and Google Adsense Easy way to earn money online

Before Google Adsense approved your blog page or website you must comply with their rules and conditions and please note Adsense is very strict today when approving submitted or owning web page and blog page. 

First to create blog site you have to choose suitable platform and recommended by Google basically as per experience I suggest to use

To learn How to creat blog page in and earn money via Google Adsense click this link. 

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